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Sunday, March 17, 2013

Australian Housing Bubble: You MUST watch this video

There were just a handful of people who predicted the Global Financial Crisis, and this blog follows them all, but there was one man who not only predicted it, but managed to scientifically get nearly every detail of it correct. This man was Steve Keen, Professor in Economics in Western Sydney, Australia. Two years ago he gave a chilling presentation at the mortgage finance association of Australia about the severity of the Australian housing bubble and how the governmenst FHOS (first home owners grants) has every time fooled the innocent minded people of Australia into living in debt for the rest of their lives in over-prices assets.

Over the next week I'm going to by doing some analysis of the key charts you need to know, because this could save your financial future. We are currently at the tipping point of our bubble and have left the illusionary phase and have now entered the denial phase. If you can sell your home now, you will get the highest price for it in real terms then you may ever be able to in your lifetimes. Do yourself a favour and watch THIS VIDEO. I'll be putting up some charts that show in simple terms what's going on in the next few posts.

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