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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Bankings Biggest Bitch-Slave and The Man Who Shame-Slapped Them All

In case you forgot about the TARP controversy, Neil Barofsky was the Special United States Treasury Department Inspector General in charge of overseeing the Troubled Assets Relief Program (TARP) from a period of late 2008 until his formal resignation at the end of March 2011. He is an outspoken critic of the TARP programme and argued for controls on how banks spent their bailout money, but was ridiculed by his banker bitch-slave peers who felt the banks should not be held to account on how they spend the bailout money. Barofsky is seen below getting ready to shame-slap Geithner.

He has been described as “one of the most impressive and courageous political officials in Washington” who is willing to “stand up to some of the most powerful people and institutions in Washington or on Wall Street.” Treasury Secretary Geithner allegedly went on a expletive filled rant to Barofsky in private and nearly throttled him. 

In the video below Barofsky discusses how a bigger financial meltdown is likely with this corrupt system. This great interview discusses the controversy over banks being too big to fail and too big to jail, and how governments refusing to appropriately penalise banks for fraud and malpractice will only lead to greater risk taking and even more fraudulent behaviour by the banks who basically have unspoken immunity to law.

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